
Viswanathan, Leela. (2018) Chapter 7 in Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning


Viswanathan, Leela. (2018). Decolonization, Recognition and Reconciliation in Reforming Land Use Policy and Planning with First Nations in Southern Ontario. Chapter 7, in C. Silver, R. Freestone, and D. Demaizere (Eds.). Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning: The Right to the City. New York, NY: Routledge, 157-173. Go to the Project URL below to access more information about the chapter and the book.

Viswanathan, Leela. (2015) Chapter 26 in Service-Learning and Civic Engagement


Viswanathan, Leela. (2015). Community Assets and Individual Expertise: Educating future professionals through community service-learning. Chapter 26, in O. Delano-Ororrian, M.W. Parks, and S. Fondrie, (Eds.). Service-Learning and Civic Engagement: A Sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 185-190. Go to the Project URL below to access more information about the book.

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